ObrázokHF Špricdeka Dry Skirt Neoprene whitewater spraydeck with edge protection The ultimate spraydeck for whitewater kayakers of all level... €160.00Price with TAX
ObrázokHF Špricdeka Ocean Skirt Sea kayak spraydeck with extra abrasion resistance The Ocean Skirt is specifically designed for seakayaking. C... €145.00Price with TAX
ObrázokHF Špricdeka Ladies Skirt Unikátna dámska špricdeka, určená pre plavby v tréningových športových areáloch, riekach, divokých vodách. Tát... €135.90Price with TAX
ObrázokPRIJON Nylon Spraydeck Red spraydeck made of soft, light Nylon material. Welded seams and removable shoulder straps on the single mod... from €69.90 Price with TAX
ObrázokPRIJON Pro Safe Whitewater Spraydeck Functional whitewater spraydeck with pre-formed plate.The ProSafe is easy to attach and due to its Latex-lamin... €129.00Price with TAX