Completely new concept of packrafting. Instead of mushy packraft, you get a High Pressure Packraft from extremely heavy duty fabric, that takes you anywhere and make it fun !
Stable and selfbailing (realy selfbailing) packraft with performance of hardshell boat. Fast and manouvreable, good for beginers, for experienced boaters or experts as well.
Packraft for bigger boaters or for long expeditions, sometimes called Big Bro.For paddlers and gear up to 140 kg. Fast and responding boat from extremely tough fabric. High profile bottom with comfortable seat, selfbailing up to 5 secs completely full boat (with standard load).
Packraft can cut the curve when keeled (what many creek kayaks can´t do nowadays). You can roll in it, you can surf, you can ferry, you can do whatever you can imagine. At the same time it is very stable and holds the beginer if needed.
Low profile makes easier windy and open water paddling.
Expert kayakers will enjoy the run.
Beginers will shortly get on white water.
On top of it is very light, easy to pack small, versatile boat with many features for white water or touring.
Airtight zipper pack system allows you to pack inside the tubes. We also produce economy version without zipper.
Seat holds you completely in the boat, even when you roll. On the same time you can swim out safely without need to touch seat straps. Easy to sit on (like on the couch back home), easy to step out.
Water resistant bag and light pump included in package.
ROBfin supplies packrafts complete, with no hidden costs, real selfbailer. You just pump and go.